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Couples Counseling

Here are some resources for those seeking information on couples counseling.

comparison of couples therapy approaches

Comparison of Couples Therapy Approaches: Therapy Getaway®, Traditional Couples Therapy, and Discernment Counseling

Which is Best For You? In the complex landscape of relationship counseling, couples face various options when seeking professional help. This article provides an in-depth comparison of couples therapy approaches: the Therapy Getaway (a Gottman Method Intensive), traditional couples therapy, and discernment counseling. We’ll explore the unique features, advantages, potential drawbacks, and ideal candidates for each method, helping you make an informed decision about the best path forward for your relationship. Therapy Getaway® (Gottman Method …

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specialist vs generalist in couples therapy

The Crucial Difference: Specialist vs. Generalist in Couples Therapy

When seeking help for your relationship, the type of therapist you choose can significantly impact your outcomes. Many couples, driven by convenience or insurance coverage, opt for generalist therapists. However, a crucial difference between seeing a generalist and a specialist is often overlooked. This article aims to shed light on why choosing a specialist for couples therapy can be a game-changer for your relationship. Understanding the Difference The Generalist Approach Generalist therapists, often covered by …

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human element in therapy

The Indispensable Human Element in Therapy

The Unmatched Value of Human-to-Human Interaction in Therapy In an age where technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), is making inroads into various sectors, the field of therapy reaffirms the unparalleled importance of human interaction. Despite technological advancements, the human touch in therapy remains irreplaceable. Understanding Emotions: Beyond AI’s Reach The Depth of Human Empathy Therapy is deeply rooted in empathy, a human attribute that goes far beyond the analytical capabilities of AI. A therapist’s ability …

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relationship rewards of traveling as a couple

The Relationship Rewards of Traveling as a Couple

Traveling is often seen as a leisure activity, a break from the daily grind. But did you know it can also be an incredible relationship booster? Traveling as a couple gives you the chance to create shared memories, face challenges together, and discover new aspects of each other. According to a survey from the U.S. Travel Association, couples who travel together have healthier, happier relationships compared to those who don’t travel. A whopping 86% of …

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flexible roles in marriages

Flexible Roles In Couples: The Secret Of Happy Marriages

We often think of marriage as a traditional institution, but it’s not a static feature in our society. Legally and socially, it’s still the most widely accepted way for couples to make their status official. However, law and society have seen massive shifts even in the last few decades. Looking at this through a legal and social lens is essential.  When we talk about flexible roles in marriages, we aren’t just talking about the dynamic …

Flexible Roles In Couples: The Secret Of Happy Marriages Read More »

Can I Do The Gottman Method On My Own?

Dr. Dana McNeil, the Founder of The Relationship Place, answers the question, “Can I do the Gottman Method on my own?” While it is possible to get the book and do the Gottman Method yourself, it can be difficult to stick with it. Having a therapist or counselor who can guide you on how to put it into practice, explain the reality of it, and show what it looks like in real life will benefit …

Can I Do The Gottman Method On My Own? Read More »

couples therapy vs individual therapy

Why Should I Look For A Couple’s Therapist Instead Of An Individual Therapist?

Dana McNeil, the Founder of The Relationship Place, explains why you should look for a couple’s therapist instead of an individual therapist. Somebody who is a couple’s therapist has different tools and approaches than somebody who is an individual therapist. Therapists for individuals support you, mirror back what you’re feeling, and ultimately help you figure out the answer you’ve had all along. Somebody who is a couple’s therapist is trained to be a neutral party. …

Why Should I Look For A Couple’s Therapist Instead Of An Individual Therapist? Read More »

things to discuss before marriage

25 Things You Should Openly Discuss With Your Partner Before Marriage

Before your wedding day, you need to find time to talk about things that will be crucial to your married life. Many couples get married thinking they know everything about each other, but some topics may only come up years after tying the knot. Talking through them beforehand is the key to maintaining an emotional bond long-term. Dr. John Gottman lists 7 principles for a happy marriage and the discussions below help partners connect through …

25 Things You Should Openly Discuss With Your Partner Before Marriage Read More »

magic 5:1 ratio in a healthy relationship

Magic 5:1 Ratio: The Secret To A Healthy And Lasting Marriage

It doesn’t matter if you’re married to your soulmate or your best friend. You may be happy and in love with your spouse, but conflicts will always be an inevitable part of marriage. Conflicts may be normal and unavoidable, but there are ways to deal with them. How you handle these conflicts can make or break your relationship. Communicating and compromising are two key skills needed, but in reality, it’s easier said than done. Good …

Magic 5:1 Ratio: The Secret To A Healthy And Lasting Marriage Read More »

same sex couples therapy

Myths And Facts About Same-Sex Couples Therapy

For many people, couples therapy is important for developing healthy relationships with loved ones. While so much of the conversation centers around resolving existing troubles, it’s not always prescriptive, especially in same sex couples therapy. Couples therapy can be a proactive way to build a better connection before issues come up. It can equip partners with the tools to deal with future conflict the right way. Indeed, the Gottman method focuses on teaching the skills …

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