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Here are some resources for those seeking information on parenting.

building trust and openness with your teen

Building Trust and Openness with Your Teen

Fostering open and honest communication between parents and their teenagers is as important as it can be difficult. The teenage years can often mark the countdown to adulthood when the choice of how much bonding time is available becomes the decision of a young adult who will naturally want to explore their …

signs of parental burnout and how to cope, parents stressed with children

What Is Parental Burnout And What Can You Do About It

You woke up this morning with the weight of a thousand “to-do’s” pressing down on your chest. Maybe it was the third night in a row your toddler decided 3 AM was party time, or perhaps it was the overwhelming feeling of never ticking enough boxes off that ever-expanding checklist. Parenting is an incredible and rewarding journey — filled with moments of pure joy, laughter, and love. But sometimes, it can also make you feel …

What Is Parental Burnout And What Can You Do About It Read More »

The Effects Of Eggshell Parenting

What is eggshell parenting? “Eggshell” parenting is a term that refers to a style of responses or behaviors from a caregiver that are demonstrated as inconsistent boundaries, frequent emotional ups and downs that are often volatile, unpredictable, and have inconsistent themes or triggers that bring them on.  What are some telltale signs of eggshell parenting? The signs are generally seen as inappropriate or overly reactive responses in the way the parent engages with the child. …

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Parenting as a Team: How To Be A Better Co-Parent After Divorce

Finding yourself a solo parent after the curtain has fallen on your marital partnership can feel like an unexpected plot twist. Each day feels overwhelming, juggling the roles of both mom and dad while trying to nurture your own healing heart. It’s a transition that requires resilience, adaptability, and a whole lot of grace. But what if there is still a way to keep the applause going without carrying the entire show alone through co-parenting? …

Parenting as a Team: How To Be A Better Co-Parent After Divorce Read More »

couples therapy for parenting

10 Reasons Why New Parents Should Go To Couples Therapy

Parenthood, like marriage, is an exciting time for many couples. It can represent change, growth, and a new phase of life full of possibility. Even then, transitioning to parenthood is rarely easy. This is where couples therapy for parenting comes in. Couples therapy can offer so much to couples beyond their connection to each other. Even when focused on romance and intimacy, therapy doesn’t view relationships in isolation. People are deeply social, and the ways …

10 Reasons Why New Parents Should Go To Couples Therapy Read More »

benefits of same sex parenting

Why Same-Sex Parents Raise The Best Children

With an estimated 1 million to 6 million children being raised by same-sex parents in the United States, it’s clear that the number of alternative households is growing.  While having homosexual parents was once seen as a disadvantage for the children, we have come a long way as a society since then. Because of the growing visibility of same-sex families, many researchers have begun to take a second look at the well-being of their children. …

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Polyamory Families

Polyamory Families: 5 Challenges and How to Navigate Them

As society becomes ever more accepting of non-traditional family structures, an increasing number of parents and families are identifying as polyamorous or poly. Not only that but there’s a corresponding rise in ostensibly monogamous couples admitting to consensual non-monogamy.  But while people might be increasingly accepting, we still live and work in a society geared towards the monogamous. This can pose logistical and often challenging problems for polyamory families.  It Takes a Village  One of …

Polyamory Families: 5 Challenges and How to Navigate Them Read More »

US Capitol Riot

US Capitol Riot – Talking to Our Kids: Fox 5 Interview

This past Wednesday our country shared in collective shock and sadness following the events that occurred in the US Capitol. Never before as a country have we had to experience so many losses and mind-bending concepts about who we are as Americans. How do we explain these types of events to our kids when we don’t really understand them ourselves?

I had the privilege of speaking with Kelsey Christensen of Fox 5 News about how to best help our children understand why this happened and what it means to them. One of the take-aways from our chat was how important it is that we not minimize our children’s fears and that we give them the space to talk about their fears as often as they need to.

We should normalize for them that these big feelings are real and that it is important for them to talk to their parents to help them better understand what they are experiencing. This means that parents need to be willing to have these conversations even though they may not know what to do or say. The important thing is that parents should be a safe space for their children and let them know they will never judge them for having their feelings – even if their children’s thoughts and feelings differ from their own.

Dana Feelings

Seeing Light: Authority Magazine Feature

I was recently interviewed by Dr. Ely Weinschneider, Psy.D of Authority Magazine for an article titled “Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel: 5 Reasons To Be Hopeful During this Corona Crisis.” As we are beginning to see the world slowly start opening up (although limited), this article is timely. I’d like to pull some highlights out which could help improve mental health and feelings.

Social Distancing

Disagreeing About Social Distancing?

I recommend my clients approach each other with an attitude of being more curious than furious about your partner’s differing position. Your partner is not opposing you just to be difficult or obstinate about social distancing. When you can approach your partner with an open attitude of wanting to really understand what is driving their thought process you start off the conversations from a gentler approach, which promotes compassion and compromise.

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