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January 2020

Keeping The Flame Alive In A Long Term Relationship

In A Strong Relationship? Don’t Make This Mistake – Interview with QSalt Lake Magazine

Congratulations! You’re in a long term, committed, happy relationship. What’s your secret? People tend to think that the longer the relationship, the easier it gets. You finish each others’ sentences, you know your partner better than you know yourself, your communication is flawless, you have it down! Not quite… With time comes routine, predictability, boredom. The most common question I get from clients in long-term relationships summarizes it perfectly “Between kids, housework, chores and work, …

In A Strong Relationship? Don’t Make This Mistake – Interview with QSalt Lake Magazine Read More »

Own Who You Are and What You Want in a Relationship

Own Who You Are and What You Want in a Relationship If you really want to be in a serious relationship, why pretend you don’t to appease someone else? It’s okay to make that known. Pretending to be interested in only casually dating or portraying yourself as someone who is willing to hook up without a commitment when that isn’t who you are is not going to serve you in relationships. You send mixed messages …

Own Who You Are and What You Want in a Relationship Read More »

20 ways to find love

Featured Tips – article

Dana was recently featured in this article by Danielle Page in AskMen: 20 Different Ways to Successfully Find Love in 2020. Some of her tips include networking, knowing who you are and what you want in a relationship, and more. Read the whole article here.

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