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people pleasing tendency dr dana mcneil

How To Repattern People Pleasing Tendency – As Seen In – Empowered Relationship Podcast

Childhood experiences can shape how we value others’ needs over our own, leading to challenges in setting personal boundaries. This often results in individuals prioritizing pleasing others at their own expense. In an episode of the Empowered Relationship podcast, Dr. Jessica Higgins dives more into this topic as she interviews our founder, Dr. Dana McNeil PsyD, LMFT who gave expert viewpoints on How To Repattern People-Pleasing Tendency. According to Dr. McNeil, people-pleasing behaviors were developed …

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20 Different Ways To Successfully Find Love in 2024 – As Seen In – Ask Men

If stacking the deck in your favor to find love this 2024 is something you’re determined to accomplish this year, Ask Men has plenty of advice for you. In a recent article, our founder Dr. Dana McNeil, PsyD, LMFT was featured as she gave interesting and effective advice for singles looking to find love successfully. One strange but interesting piece of advice from McNeil, is to network with past dates who didn’t work out: “If …

20 Different Ways To Successfully Find Love in 2024 – As Seen In – Ask Men Read More »

intimacy for senior couples

Effective Ways To Improve Intimacy For Senior Couples

It’s human nature to crave intimacy, a fundamental need that remains essential throughout our lives. For senior couples, this desire for closeness and connection takes on a unique significance as they navigate the later stages of life together. Facing the natural changes that come with aging, these couples often seek meaningful ways to sustain and enhance their bond. In this article, we delve into practical and thoughtful strategies to improve intimacy for senior couples. Read …

Effective Ways To Improve Intimacy For Senior Couples Read More »

one year relationship slump

Navigating the One-Year Relationship Slump: How To Revive the Spark

The one-year mark in a relationship is a unique blend of comfort and challenge. As the initial thrill settles, couples often encounter what’s commonly known as the one year relationship slump. This phase can test the relationship’s depth and the partners’ commitment to each other. It’s a period that demands adaptation and growth, bringing to light aspects of the relationship that may have been overshadowed by early excitement. Understanding this phase is crucial, as it …

Navigating the One-Year Relationship Slump: How To Revive the Spark Read More »

effects of gray divorce on adult children and grandchildren

Understanding The Effects of Gray Divorce on Adult Children and Grandchildren

Divorce isn’t just a tale of two — when it happens later in life, the ripple effects extend far beyond the couple. This phenomenon, known as ‘gray divorce,’ silently reshapes adult children’s and grandchildren’s lives, altering family dynamics in profound ways. While the couple at the center of the storm navigates their new reality, their adult offspring are often left grappling with various unexpected emotions and challenges. The assumption that they are unaffected by their …

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empty nest syndrome in marriage

8 Ways To Cope With Empty Nest Syndrome To Save Your Marriage

One study reveals that in the U.S., couples with children under 10 enjoy an average of 208 minutes of family time daily. But what happens when the laughter and chaos of children leave your home, and you’re left facing the silence of an empty nest? You’re suddenly dashed into the world of empty nest syndrome, a transition that can be both disorienting and challenging for couples. This significant life change can be the tipping point for many, …

8 Ways To Cope With Empty Nest Syndrome To Save Your Marriage Read More »

trauma bonding in relationships

6 Signs Of Trauma Bonding In Relationships and How To Break The Cycle

Have you ever found yourself inexplicably drawn to a relationship that seems to hurt more than it heals, yet the thought of leaving feels impossible? You’re most likely experiencing the confusing and often misunderstood phenomenon of trauma bonding in relationships. It’s a bond formed not out of affection but through repeated cycles of abuse, manipulation, and a desperate need for validation. If you’re constantly justifying your partner’s harmful behavior or find yourself trapped in a …

6 Signs Of Trauma Bonding In Relationships and How To Break The Cycle Read More »

marriage after retirement

Marriage After Retirement: How To Adjust To New Roles and Routines

When you think about retirement, you most probably envision a serene chapter of life filled with unhurried mornings and the freedom to explore new passions. But what’s often overlooked is how this monumental change impacts marriage after retirement. If you or your partner had full-time careers, you will suddenly need to adjust to no longer structuring your day around work and spending more time in the house with your spouse. While this shift can be …

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how to resolve conflicts in marriage, gottman repair attempts

Gottman’s Wisdom: 6 Powerful Statements To Resolve Conflicts In Marriage

Marriages aren’t just about sunset walks and shared desserts; they’re also about the silent standoffs over unwashed dishes and whose turn it is to pick up the kids. Ask any relationship therapist, and they will tell you that conflict is as much a part of marriage as romance, but it doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker. How you handle these squabbles can either cement your bond or chisel away at its foundation, leading to divorce. Imagine …

Gottman’s Wisdom: 6 Powerful Statements To Resolve Conflicts In Marriage Read More »

verbal abuse patterns to watch out for

5 Verbal Abuse Patterns You Should Never Ignore In A Partner

Verbal abuse is more than just harsh words hurled in the heat of an argument. It’s a calculated effort to demean, frighten, and control another person. Over time, it eats away at a person’s self-esteem and emotional well-being, often with the potential to escalate into physical abuse, domestic violence, or child abuse. If you find yourself on the receiving end of verbal abuse, know you’re not to blame. Awareness of verbal abuse patterns is the …

5 Verbal Abuse Patterns You Should Never Ignore In A Partner Read More »

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