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how to support a partner in grief

How To Support a Partner in Grief

Challenges with Being a Support System
We live in a grief-illiterate society, so we often lack the tools to be present for others as they navigate the vast terrain of grief. Supporting our partners through grief can be a daunting and sometimes uncomfortable task. It’s difficult to see your partner in pain and know that you cannot fix it. Often, people fear saying or doing the wrong thing, so they opt to stay silent or try to find the silver lining, such as saying, “At least your loved one is not in pain anymore.” Although these statements are delivered…

comparison of couples therapy approaches

Comparison of Couples Therapy Approaches: Therapy Getaway®, Traditional Couples Therapy, and Discernment Counseling

Which is Best For You? In the complex landscape of relationship counseling, couples face various options when seeking professional help. This article provides an in-depth comparison of couples therapy approaches: the Therapy Getaway (a Gottman Method Intensive), traditional couples therapy, and discernment counseling. We’ll explore the unique features, advantages, potential drawbacks, and ideal candidates for each method, helping you make an informed decision about the best path forward for your relationship. Therapy Getaway® (Gottman Method …

Comparison of Couples Therapy Approaches: Therapy Getaway®, Traditional Couples Therapy, and Discernment Counseling Read More »

specialist vs generalist in couples therapy

The Crucial Difference: Specialist vs. Generalist in Couples Therapy

When seeking help for your relationship, the type of therapist you choose can significantly impact your outcomes. Many couples, driven by convenience or insurance coverage, opt for generalist therapists. However, a crucial difference between seeing a generalist and a specialist is often overlooked. This article aims to shed light on why choosing a specialist for couples therapy can be a game-changer for your relationship. Understanding the Difference The Generalist Approach Generalist therapists, often covered by …

The Crucial Difference: Specialist vs. Generalist in Couples Therapy Read More »

why breadcrumbing makes you feel awful as seen in wondermind

Why Breadcrumbing Makes You Feel So Awful – As Seen In – WonderMind

Ever had that great first date and you’re keen to see where things go, but then you later found yourself in an unpredictable trickle of contact? They reach out just enough to pique your interest—sending a quick message or suggesting a casual meet-up—before vanishing once more. This can make you feel bewildered and a bit let down. But this confusing pattern of engagement that’s minimal and inconsistent has a name– it’s called ‘breadcrumbing’. This behavioral …

Why Breadcrumbing Makes You Feel So Awful – As Seen In – WonderMind Read More »

how to know if you're falling out of love with your partner

How To Know If You’re Falling Out Of Love – As Seen In – MindBodyGreen

Wondering if you’re falling out of love with your partner can be deeply unsettling, stirring up feelings like guilt, confusion, and sadness. Avoiding your partner might seem like a temporary fix, but it actually signals a need for serious work on the relationship—whether that’s to rekindle the connection or contemplate parting ways. Mind Body Green consulted the best therapists to unpack falling out of love, managing these emotions, and figuring out the steps forward. Among …

How To Know If You’re Falling Out Of Love – As Seen In – MindBodyGreen Read More »

why you should write your partner a love letter

Why You Should Write Your Partner A Love Letter – As Seen In – MindBodyGreen

In a world dominated by quick texts, the idea of writing a love letter might seem outdated. Yet, there’s a charm to it that’s unbeatable. An article by Mind Body Green argues why jotting down your feelings is a powerful move. Love letters offer a personal touch and a keepsake for your partner, proving love in a way digital messages can’t. Wondering why a love letter could be a brilliant idea? Our founder, Dr. Dana …

Why You Should Write Your Partner A Love Letter – As Seen In – MindBodyGreen Read More »

how to compliment a guy by mind body green

How To Compliment A Guy (So They’ll Never Forget It) – As Seen In – MindBodyGreen

Finding the right words to make your man feel special can truly turn their day around. A genuine compliment can boost his mood and self-esteem, making him feel seen and appreciated. Whether it’s a crush, a friend, or a long-term partner, knowing how to deliver a heartfelt compliment to a guy is an art worth mastering. An article by Mind Body Green discussed this further, providing ways on how you can effectively compliment the special …

How To Compliment A Guy (So They’ll Never Forget It) – As Seen In – MindBodyGreen Read More »

8 reasons why people fall out of love

8 Reasons Why People Fall Out Of Love (And What You Can Do About It) – As Seen In – DJ Syrax

Every relationship has its ups and downs. When you first meet someone, there’s this exciting spark, but let’s be real, it doesn’t stick around forever. This is especially true for couples who’ve been together for a decade or more. Sometimes, it’s tough to tell if you’re just going through a rough patch or if things are actually winding down. Love is important in keeping two people together, but it’s not the only thing. A DJ …

8 Reasons Why People Fall Out Of Love (And What You Can Do About It) – As Seen In – DJ Syrax Read More »

signs your partner is the one

18 Early Signs Your Partner Is The One – As Seen In – Bustle

Identifying your soulmate may take time, but early signs like a natural connection and shared life goals can indicate you’re on the right path. A recent article by Bustle says that knowing your “must-have” traits in a partner simplifies this process, as advised by relationship coach Heidi Krantz. Clarifying these traits for yourself helps in quickly recognizing a suitable match, making it evident when someone with the potential to meet all your criteria comes along. …

18 Early Signs Your Partner Is The One – As Seen In – Bustle Read More »

How To Show Someone You Love Them, According To Experts – As Seen In – Mind Body Green

Expressing love can be tough, especially when your efforts don’t seem to resonate. We all have different ways of showing and receiving love, and understanding your partner’s preferences can enhance your relationship and ensure your love is communicated. On Valentine’s Day, Mind Body Green released an article that dove deeper into this topic, featuring insights from our founder, Dr. Dana McNeil. In the article, McNeil points out that showing love can be as simple as …

How To Show Someone You Love Them, According To Experts – As Seen In – Mind Body Green Read More »

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