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As Seen In

Here are some resources for those seeking information on “as seen in” articles.

Dana Feelings

Seeing Light: Authority Magazine Feature

I was recently interviewed by Dr. Ely Weinschneider, Psy.D of Authority Magazine for an article titled “Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel: 5 Reasons To Be Hopeful During this Corona Crisis.” As we are beginning to see the world slowly start opening up (although limited), this article is timely. I’d like to pull some highlights out which could help improve mental health and feelings.

I do Uncertainty

“I Do” Uncertainty Podcast

Of course, life is uncertain. Now more than ever we’re collectively feeling the uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. I recently had the privilege of being interviewed by Chase and Sarah Kosterlitz for their “I Do” podcast to discuss tips and advice for couples dealing with uncertainty. You can listen to the podcast here. 

Social Distancing

Disagreeing About Social Distancing?

I recommend my clients approach each other with an attitude of being more curious than furious about your partner’s differing position. Your partner is not opposing you just to be difficult or obstinate about social distancing. When you can approach your partner with an open attitude of wanting to really understand what is driving their thought process you start off the conversations from a gentler approach, which promotes compassion and compromise.

Dana McNeil Wellness Authority Magazine

Mental Wellness is a Spectrum: 5 Things to Improve Your Mental Health

Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Beau Henderson for Authority Magazine. Beau is a syndicated columnist and radio host, and he is great to talk to. It was truly a pleasure to be a part of this series on improving mental wellness.
Just for my website readers, I’ve included some highlights from this interview. Without further ado, here are my picks for the top 5 things you can do to improve your mental wellness.

Keeping The Flame Alive In A Long Term Relationship

In A Strong Relationship? Don’t Make This Mistake – Interview with QSalt Lake Magazine

Congratulations! You’re in a long term, committed, happy relationship. What’s your secret? People tend to think that the longer the relationship, the easier it gets. You finish each others’ sentences, you know your partner better than you know yourself, your communication is flawless, you have it down! Not quite… With time comes routine, predictability, boredom. The most common question I get from clients in long-term relationships summarizes it perfectly “Between kids, housework, chores and work, …

In A Strong Relationship? Don’t Make This Mistake – Interview with QSalt Lake Magazine Read More »

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